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17+ Informative Speech Topics

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17+ Informative Speech Topics

  • Aug 21, 2024

If you have been assigned a speech, essay, or presentation, it is obvious that the first feeling you will have is ‘what to talk about’. It is because you know that the foundation of a powerful presentation lies in choosing a compelling topic that spurs your interest and keeps the audience captivated. Moreover, you need a topic that feels exciting to research and discuss. However, it is not easy to find an informative speech topic at times. To inspire you we have curated 17+ informative speech topics.

So go ahead and pick a persuasive speech topic to convince your audience. 


Informative speeches are more likely to teach or instruct an audience about the topic. They generally include fact-based research and objective information but can also have a unique perspective. The narrator of the speech can present it in the form of storytelling along with a powerful take-home message. Unlike speeches that are presented at any celebration or inauguration, informative speeches are educative.

There are six different types of informative speeches that you must know about.

·       Definition speeches: These types of speeches aim to explain a theory or concept. They start with “What is….?.

·       Explanatory speeches: To help the audience know how something works these types of speeches are presented. For example, if someone must explain to you how your heart functions, they must give an explanatory speech.

·       Demonstrative speeches: If you want to show your audience how to perform a task you need to give a demonstrative speech. Demonstrative speeches mostly include a visual presentation. For example, if you want to teach your classmates or acquaintances how to be more proficient in time management it will be a demonstrative speech.

·       Comparative speeches: When the speaker wants to compare two alternative things to help the audience understand the similarities and differences between two topics, they are called comparative speeches. For example, if you must make the audience understand the pros and cons of using mobile phones.

·       Descriptive speeches: These types of informative speeches can describe a place, person, or thing to explain why the subject is essential. For example, if a student wants to teach their classmates about a historical figure, may give a descriptive speech about that person.

·       Persuasive speeches: Persuasive speeches are categorized separately. It does not come under informative speeches. But in some places, some informative speeches come under the persuasive category by using evidence to convince the audience. For example, a company is giving a presentation to convince its customers to buy their services.



It is quite easier when you have answers for 5Ws when choosing on speech topic. If you listen to most of the TED talks you will find one thing in common- all have a purposeful message. Therefore, if you also want to end up delivering a captivating speech, you must understand the basic who, what, when, where, and why to pick the perfect topic.

·       Who: Before you finalize your topic, you must consider who your audience is. Your speech in college will be way different than a speech in a conference room. You always must consider what your audience will be interested in. If you pick a topic that is too basic it will bore the audience. Alongside if you discuss something too technical, it might be difficult to understand for your audience.

·       What: Remember that the ‘what’ of your speech is the main ingredient of your presentation. And you must consider your knowledge and passion about the subject before anything else. You can figure out the things that your audience will care about, the things you can research, and the things you are interested in to find out the best possible topic for yourself.

·       When: The time you will get to deliver your speech can drastically impact how you plunge into the topic. If you have a 5-minute speech, it should be a niche topic, or a high-level concept closed. However, a 30-minute-long presentation should have enough content to teach the audience more about the topic in detail.

·       Where: There will be a noticeable difference between a speech that you are giving at your office and one that you are presenting on a stage in a large auditorium. Before considering what, you want to talk about consider where you will be speaking and what kind of resources you will get. Your geographic presence can also determine the topic of your speech. Sometimes you can choose a local or regional topic to sound relevant to the community.

·       Why: Finally, you must know the purpose of your speech. If you want to get a good grade your goal will be way different than if you must convince an audience to make a huge lifestyle change or donate to an important cause. Therefore, while choosing a topic keep the “why” in your mind.



The topics we have enlisted are not only educational, but they are thought-provoking too. Whether you have a speech to deliver in middle school, high school, or even in a huge auditorium, these topics can be the real game changer. They don't demand exhaustive research, but you can spruce up your slides with exciting visuals and keep your audience engaged.

We have segmented the topics so that it becomes easier for you to pick according to your needs.

Easy Informative Speech Topics

If you want to choose a topic that requires the least of your efforts and doesn't need an extensive explanation, it is always a good idea to avoid topics that are controversial or too technical. Instead, you can choose descriptive and demonstrative topics that are easy to research about.

1.     How to enhance your communication skills

2.     Why the new generation is buying more electric cars

3.     The most memorable talks in history

4.     How to read a person's body language

5.     The most common habits of all successful people

6.     Most popular dog breeds

7.     The worst natural disasters happened across the world

8.     How to start healthy eating

9.     The harmful effects of technology on human being

10.  How can you survive without electricity

11.  The richest people in the world

12.  World's largest companies

13.  How sugar influences our body

14.  Lesser-known facts about Disneyland

15.  How humans can be more productive

16.  Five things that students must do before graduating

17.  Why it is a smart choice to take a year gap before college

18.  The best healthy snacks

19.  Why should you go vegan

20.  How to be more confident in life

21.  Things to think before you start a new business

22.  The change in the fashion industry through the decades


Informative Speech Topics for Business School Students

If you are in a Business School and you are preparing for a presentation it is even more scary than public speaking. Here you must impress your professor for greater grades without thoroughly embarrassing yourself in front of an audience that is also your peers. But the topics we are mentioning below can be your savior since they are scholarly and will not bore the listeners.

23.  Ways to reduce our carbon footprint

24.  Types of learning

25.  What are microplastics and what are the possible alternatives

26.  How to succeed in a college test

27.  Why schools should stop giving homework

28.  World's fastest-growing cities

29.  The difference between male and female communicators

30.  The best marketing tactics in history

31.  The importance of education for a country's economic growth

32.  Ethical questioning versus artificial intelligence

33.  Unique ways to overcome global climate change

34.  How to live until 100

35.  Benefits of online learning

36.  The history of education in India

37.  How to overcome poverty

38.  The real side of foster care in India

39.  The history of agriculture How to prevent the top 10 leading causes of death in India

40.  How to build an organic garden

41.  The benefits of remote work for the employer

42.  The need for discipline

43.  The most useful websites for research for college students


Fun Informative Speech Topics

While choosing an informative speech topic you need to remember that you do not have to choose serious topics. Sometimes fun topics can also be informative. For example, people don't believe that video games and reality TV can be informative, but there are great speeches that come out from those topics. And here we're giving you a list of topics that are fun yet informative.

44.  How can procrastination be good for you

45.  We use only 10% of our brain- a myth or reality

46.  The funniest television commercials of all time

47.  Bizarre sports you did not know ever existed

48.  How snake venom works after entering the body

49.  How will humans look in the future

50.  Some of the weirdest medical facts

51.  Strangest phobias you never knew about

52.  The secrets to a great relationship

53.  The fastest cars in the world

54.  Why hiccups are caused

55.  Evidence is that there is life on Mars

56.  The history of tattoos

57.  Why college students are fond of fast food

58.  Fun things you can do while bored nobody told you about

59.  How to create your bucket list

60.  The secrets behind your favorite television shows

61.  Weirdest foods that taste surprisingly delicious

62.  How to deal with people you don't like


Informative Speech Topics on Science

Science is probably the most interesting subject with numerous topics. From genetics to biology to chemistry there are many other topics to talk about. Since we are in an era where modern technology is meeting years-old discoveries science topics are a perfect fit for inquisitive researchers who want to give evidence-based speeches.

63.  How the human brain functions

64.  How solar panels work

65.  Lesser-known origins of plant-based medicines

66.  How DNA is used for evidence

67.  How galaxies are formed

68.  How corporations are influencing science

69.  Why dinosaurs are extinct

70.  The weirdest fossils ever found

71.  How music influences our brain

72.  What are the potential cures for cancer

73.  How earthquakes can be predicted



Apart from all the topics and the genres, there are many more to choose from. If you are an animal lover or a sports person, you can also choose topics from your interests. But no matter what topic you choose always remember that public speaking is a skill that you can learn and not everyone is blessed with the skill just like that. Therefore, you need to practice many things such as creating a first impression, having a good straight presence, powerful body language, a commanding voice, and use of hands while speaking. Hope these tips will also be helpful alongside the topics above to build a strong informative speech for your next presentation.


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